Thursday, October 16, 2008

What we learned from the Last Presidential Debate

There are only a few things that I learned while watching the final and most important presidential debate last night. The two most important things; John McCain is desperate, and John McCain is a terrorist. What exactly was he doing in a Prisoner of War camp for five and a half years? And why doesn't anyone mention how badly he failed in Vietnam by being captured. We shouldn't be praising him for being a POW, we should be questioning his ability to do his job. Nevertheless, I for one, do not believe he was a POW that whole time. In fact, I've heard from numerous sources that I've made up for this blog post, that during those five and half years, John McCain, your republican presidential candidate became a CIA agent gone bad. For five and half years, he was working with terrorists all around the world. Don't believe me? I've got the pictures to prove it: click here.I don't even want to imagine what they do behind closed doors. No wonder McCain is so anti gay rights. He doesn't want anyone suspecting his own sexuality.

And that's not the worst of it. Let's not forget McCain's chant of "Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran!" I would never actually say he's a war monger, but only because I'm scared he'd hire someone to bomb my own home.

There is no arguing, however, that Senator McCain is a man with a storied past. He has carried many burdens on his shoulders, and looks as though he still is, as he struggles just to lift his arms to shake your hand. His burdens are even heavier these days. His campaign has nearly reached panictime. We all saw it in the debate last night. He came out strong and fierce. His problem is, that at times he is too fierce and too emotional. Unfortunately for John McCain he is no longer fighting in Vietnam. His tactics of aggression do not appeal to the American public. It only makes him seem like a vindictive and condescending old man who has no plan. I'm scared he's more worried about keeping himself alive than anything else. Even he knows that Sarah Palin would destroy our country so he'll do anything to keep himself alive if elected. I even heard she tried to ice fish on the Chesapeake the other day. She had never left Alaska though, so I can't blame her for being confused.

Speaking of Sarah Palin, I hear that she is constantly associating herself with soccer moms? Soccer moms, for real? God knows that bitches are the bibggest sluts around. Check out this documentary that follows three of Palin's closest supporters and friends: click here
I don't think having a skank in the white house is going to turn this country around. Can you imagine a cabinet with Ron Jeremy and Peter North? Palin would never accomplish anything, and she'd be popping out a new kid every month, because abortions are illegal of course.

Anyway, we all know Palin sucks, so back to Maverick McCain and his buddy Joe the Plumber. Supposedly that's a real guy in Ohio and some stupid conservative woman said she's going to vote for McCain because she saw a commercial about Joe the Plumber. Well guess what dumbass conservative bitch, I saw a commercial about McCain's devastating policies. I vote for substance not Plumber cracks.

Analyzing a debate is very simple. In my opinion, it's impossible to say who won a debate. They put their ideas (or anger towards a drop in the polls in McCain's case) out there for the viewers to see. The problem that McCain constantly faces is that he does not know how to appeal to certain voters. He no longer needs to convince the people that are already voting forhim. Unfortunately for McCain, that is the exact group that he speaks to throughout the entire debate. Also, people do not want to see an angry old man. They want to see calm, cool, and collected Barack Obama staring down and standing strong when accusation after accusation is thrown his way. " I can take 4 more weeks of McCain's attacks but America can't take 4 more years of failed Bush/McCain policies." After the first 30 minutes, when McCain could not get under Obama's skin, he started to look frustrated and concerned, so he kept the attacks coming, furthering himself from a connection with the American people.

Barack Obama is planting seeds all over the country. He knows it will take time for the seeds to grow and this country to get back to it's prosperous past. McCain is laying eggs all over the country, while already trying to fuck Obama's plant before it is even allowed to grow. John McCain proved himself worthy during the debate last night. He's worthy of a purple heart, a salute from the crowd, and a handshake from Barack Obama. Obama shouldn't be shaking his hand though, because, after all, the United States does not negotiate with terrorists.

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